detachment is an ocular emergency. Some
classical symptoms that patients will see include
sudden increase in floaters
flashes of light
"Black curtain" like vision
Those who experience any of the above symptoms should consult a retina specialist immediately; as diagnosing and treating it timely is vital.
retinal lattice, tears and holes, a retinopexy laser can be performed to
isolate those areas from the rest of the retina.
retinal detachments, a procedure known as vitrectomy will be performed to
repair the detachment.
Pascal laser machine
Retinopexy Laser
Post surgery (same day)
Post surgery (after a few months)
Branch Retinal Vein Obstruction
Central Retinal Vein Obstruction
Macular Hole
Epiretinal Membrane
Central Serous Chororetinopathy
For Appointment: 6738 6868
Fax: 6738 9655